Are You Worried About AI?

The AI revolution is happening. I don’t know how successful it will be, but regardless, people are trying to get AI into everything. That might be good or bad in various situations, but it has people worried about AI. This piece looks at a survey from the American Staffing Association that says 47% of people somewhat or strongly agree that their job is replaceable by automation with an AI. There is more data to dig into, but that’s a lot of people who worry about their jobs.

Most people do think that tech is generally a good thing. I do find that many of us in tech, and some other industries, are buried in work. There’s never a shortage and we could easily work 60, 70, or more hours a week and not complete everything. The flip side of that is a lot of work doesn’t necessarily need to be done now and could be delayed, so I think it’s hard to decide whether we need more help or more patience.

The various places I’ve seen AI used are often helping people get started or unblock their creativity struggles. Recently someone posted this link on some prompts a person had used to get moving. I found a few of these possibly helpful. Not writing, but maybe having an AI proof something, or even get me started in some new area. I worry about book summaries, or even text summaries, as I’m not always confident the AI understands which pieces I might find important. However, that’s also a danger with humans. I’ve seen no shortage of people asked to summarize something for others. When I understand the subject well, I sometimes disagree with another’s summary (or think it’s just plain wrong).

I don’t think AIs are a big danger to many people’s employment. I do think that as people learn to use AIs are assistants we might find that we grow or enhance staff less. We might also find that the 10x engineer knows how to engage 10 AIs to help them get things done, especially simple, busy work. The low performers will likely be those working in the same way in the future as they do today. That might not threaten your job, but it might mean lower bonuses and less opportunities in the future if you can’t adapt your skills to this new world.

Steve Jones

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About way0utwest

Editor, SQLServerCentral
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6 Responses to Are You Worried About AI?

  1. AI is dangerous because what we have is not actual AI and yet most of the public thinks it is because it’s called AI.

    What is AI?
    USERS (Meaning the majority of the population): It’s software that is alive, self-aware like in the Terminator movies.

    TECH USERS (a small percentage of the population): AI is an advanced search engine that can do custom per user searches so the results are cured to the user. Because fo this advanced search I can ask it questions and get answers including asking it to generate an answer or similar for me based on input.

    AI BUILDERS (an even smaller percentage of the population): It is an advanced search engine that relies solely on what it searches. It makes no differences between that which is correct, that which is partially accurate/correct and that which is false so when it answers your question it may not be a correct answer in terms of what is real but correct in terms of what it found in its search.

    So you have the majority of the population believing an advanced search engine that makes no distinction between what’s correct/true/accurate and what is not is actually self-aware software that would only be incorrect/inaccurate/false if it choose to and not because of how it actually works. This is the danger. Just as it was with the cloud 10 years ago when it was being marketed as the solution for everyone and how IOT (Internet of things) was being pushed hard without any concern for security/safety, ignorance is the danger. The majority of the population’s believing that AI is something it’s not.


  2. NOTE: WordPress REALLY needs a way to allow users to edit posts b/c typos are very common.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dustin Mueller says:

    I recently discovered that while ChatGPT can certainly list them, it isn’t even able to *comprehend* the simple rules of the game Boggle. For that reason alone, I’m not all that worried that AI is going to take over the world anytime soon, because what people are calling AI is really just early ML.


  4. way0utwest says:

    Lol, I think it’s pretty good pattern recognition and often high-school level summarization, but it is good at early stage, beginner, try this stuff.


  5. JeffModen says:

    When AI is give a problem like…
    The table structure is…
    CREATE TABLE dbo.Temporal01
    SomeDate DATE
    ,SomeTime TIME

    The table is populate with dates and times in the appropriately named columns.

    Write the T-SQL to combine the values found in the SomeDate and SomeTime columns into a single column called SomeDateTime of the DATETIME2 data type for each row.

    And it comes back with an answer like the following…

    Certainly! To combine the values found in the `SomeDate` and `SomeTime` columns into a single column called `SomeDateTime` of the `DATETIME2` data type for each row, you can use the following T-SQL code:

    ALTER TABLE dbo.Temporal01
    ADD SomeDateTime DATETIME2;

    UPDATE dbo.Temporal01
    SET SomeDateTime = CAST(CONCAT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SomeDate, 23), ‘ ‘, CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), SomeTime, 108)) AS DATETIME2);

    This code first adds a new column called `SomeDateTime` of the `DATETIME2` data type to the existing table `dbo.Temporal01`. Then, it updates each row by combining the values from the `SomeDate` and `SomeTime` columns using the `CONCAT` function and casting the result as a `DATETIME2`.

    Please note that this code assumes that the existing table `dbo.Temporal01` is already populated with valid dates and times in the appropriate columns.

    Let me know if you need any further assistance!

    Source: Conversation with Bing, 9/26/2023
    (1) Multiple Ways to Concatenate Values Together in SQL Server.
    (2) How to concatenate columns properly using T-SQL?.
    (3) How to Concatenate Two Columns in SQL – A Detailed Guide.

    … I have to admit that I’m not worried about AI taking my job.


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