A Working Break on President’s Day

Today is President’s Day in the US, and it’s a holiday for me. At least from Redgate. I’m actually working my other job, perhaps with some overtime.

This is the end of a three-day weekend tournament up in Greeley, CO, where I’ve been coaching a 13-year old competitive volleyball team with my wife. We enjoy working with kids and we’ve been coaching in the spring for the last five years together. The RMR Showdown is a fun event, and it’s nice to get out of town. Hopefully we’ve had some success, but even if we haven’t been winning, it’s a good experience for the kids to grow, learn, and stress themselves across multiple days. Most of the time we do one-day local tournaments, so this is a chance for them to learn the eating well, hydrating, and sleeping are important.

We’ve also had a pregnant coach in the 18s division, and it’s entirely possible she can’t coach this weekend. She was due around this time, so as I write this, my wife volunteered us to take over her team if she’s giving birth. That means we’ll be working a morning wave with our team, from around 7a-2p, and an afternoon wave from 3p-9p. There might be some long days for us, but they’ll be fun.

Despite the work, it’s a recharging event for me in that I’m not doing anything with technology, and the time spent on this hobby is completely different than anything else in my life. It can be stressful during games, but it is very rewarding. I enjoy working with kids, and when it’s over, it’s over. The results of the competition are quickly forgotten, at least by me, but I see the lessons learned by players growing through the year.

However, work starts again tonight. As soon as we’re done, I’m heading to the airport for the DevOps Airways tour. No, I’m not flying a plane, but I am getting in one for our first stop tomorrow in San Jose. There are quite a few more, and I hope to see some of you at one of our events.

Steve Jones

About way0utwest

Editor, SQLServerCentral
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