Speaking at SQL Saturday South Florida 2024

I’m heading to SQL Saturday South Florida 2024 next week. This is my second time attending the event and if you’re in the Miami area (or want to take the train down from N Florida), register today and join me.

This is my second time attending the event after missing them for many years.  Andy always said this was a fun place to go, but timing often didn’t work. It did last year and again this year.

I’ll be doing two sessions next week, but the schedule is packed with a wide variety of talks on ML, DevOps, Performance tuning, T-SQL, Fabric and more. I’m doing a talk on Blogging and one on Zero Downtime Deployments.

Register today and let’s connect, learn, and share next week.

About way0utwest

Editor, SQLServerCentral
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2 Responses to Speaking at SQL Saturday South Florida 2024

  1. Steve – You seem to travel a lot and I mean a LOT. I assume it’s all for your employer Red-Gate. What exactly is is you present/teach at these various locations/events? Is the same topic/subject? Is it always related to Red-gate vs SQL in general?


  2. way0utwest says:

    lol, I do. It’s a mix of stuff. For many conferences, I do general database stuff. If you look at the CV (https://voiceofthedba.com/speaking-cv/), I tend to do stuff the last few years that is tangential to my job. More dev/devops/vcs/etc. stuff.

    Before that, I picked things I liked, or had done more of. Security, auditing, some 101 SQL stuff. I have often looked at niche stuff, learned about it, and then tried to shortcut others learning with a presentation. I enjoyed the work I did with graph databases and Neo4J, as it was very different than other stuff.

    My employer has been doing more events the last few years, so I have some of those to do. I’ve mostly done those this year, which has me doing less conference stuff, but as those slow down, I’ve looked for a few conferences. Sometimes, I have done a vendor/Redgate session at a conference.

    Then there’s customer stuff. I do some presentations to customers on architecture or how you might get better at building software, usually with some custom discovery on their processes, or bringing lessons learned from other work. My “Essential/Best practices for deployments” is based on a lot of customer work the last 4-5 years where I ‘ve seen what works and what doesn’t.

    To be fair, my kids are adults and my wife comes with me enough so the travel doesn’t seem too bad. Last year was too many trips. This year, a rough 9 week stretch, but otherwise not too bad.


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