Daily Archives: June 28, 2024

Not Selected for the PASS Data Community Summit 2024

I got this in an email about a week ago from the PASS Data Community Summit. There’s more to it, but essentially I submitted 3 talks (2 on deployments, 1 pro dev) and none were selected. It’s slightly disappointing, as … Continue reading

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What Metrics Do You Collect?

One of the hot terms in software these days is observability. There are a few definitions (Splunk, RadixWeb), but essentially this is the insight into how your software runs and performs using metrics, logs, traces, etc. In DevOps, we do … Continue reading

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A New Word: Addleworth

addleworth – adj. unable to settle the question of whether you’re doing okay in life; feeling torn between conflicting value systems and moveable goalposts, which makes you long for someone to come along and score your progress in discrete and … Continue reading

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