Opening the SQL Prompt Command Palette

A few years ago SQL Prompt added a command palette to let you search the commands available. This is similar to the same concept in Visual Studio Code, ADS, and various other tools. This post looks at how to get to this tool in SSMS.

This is part of a series of posts on SQL Prompt, which is an amazing productivity tool from Redgate Software.

Opening the Palette

You can also open the Command Palette from the menu. In the SQL Prompt menu, it is the first item. You can also see there is a shortcut of ALT+S below here.

2023-09-04 04_44_26-

When I click this, I’ll see the full list of palette commands. This is a large window, and across the top I can filter things. In the complete list, you see various things: objects, snippets, and refactoring commands. We also have the Prompt behavior settings as well.

2023-09-04 04_44_43-SQL Prompt_ Command Palette

For example, I could look for things with “brackets”. I see a few things that are relevant. I can pick any of them if I want that apply to my code or change the behavior of the tool

2023-09-04 04_52_25-SQL Prompt_ Command Palette

Adding to the Menu

If you can’t remember the shortcut. or don’t want to use the menu, you can add this as a button in the toolbar. Here’s the easy way. When you installed SQL Prompt (or the Toolbelt), there is a Redgate toolbar added. Mine looks like this:

2023-09-04 07_29_16-SQLQuery3.sql - ..dlm_1_dev (WAY0UTWESTHP_way0u (92)) - Microsoft SQL Server Man

I clicked the “Add or Remote buttons ” and got a list of buttons on this toolbar. I can click “Customize if I like. That opens the dialog below.

2023-09-04 07_51_53-Customize

Now click “Add Command”. That gives you a list of items in all the menus in SSMS. Pick the SQL Prompt menu on the left (first one). Then scroll down and find “Open command palette” in the right side. Select it and click OK.

2023-09-04 07_52_16-SQLQuery3.sql - ..dlm_1_dev (WAY0UTWESTHP_way0u (92)) - Microsoft SQL Server Man

Now you have this in your toolbar.

2023-09-04 07_52_25-SQLQuery3.sql - ..dlm_1_dev (WAY0UTWESTHP_way0u (92)) - Microsoft SQL Server Man

Now one click, and you have the palette.

FWIW, you can use this trick to add any menu item to a toolbar that you want.

UPDATE: A comment asked about partial matches, and you can see I see partial matches for “Addre”.

Partial match of a word in the command palette

About way0utwest

Editor, SQLServerCentral
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4 Responses to Opening the SQL Prompt Command Palette

  1. Is the SQL Command Pallet known to be slow? When I switch between types (i.e. from ALL to Database Objects) it takes a lot longer than one would expect. I also didn’t see anyway to do exact search so if I type in sEmail then it matches only sEmail and not every object that contains sEmail in it’s name and I did try using single quotes


    • way0utwest says:

      It shouldn’t be slow. I’ll do a quick video/post on it, but it should work fairly quickly, in my experience. I don’t have tons of objects is most databases, a thousand or so. You might try a “refresh” (CTRL+Shift+D) to ensure the index is up to date. It should match partials, which I’ll see if I can add an image to a comment somewhere.


    • Steve – I think I discovered why it was slow for me.

      The DB I was connected to when opening the Pallet (I assume it’s search is against objects in the DB the query window is connected to) has 28k objects and I was connected to a test DB on a test server that’s not got the same level of juice that our live SQL Server does. When i switched over to the live SQL Server DB it was faster. It took 3 seconds to switch from the ALL tab to the DB Objects tab where as it was close to 10 seconds on the test server however it’s still the same number of objects in the DB so there’s that.


  2. way0utwest says:

    Ah, that’s good to know. If you can share a schema, even if you script everything and do a search and rename for sensitive things, I’d appreciate it. Or a SQL Compare snapshot of the schema. I like to test against large things, and bug our team to do so as well.

    Happy to sign an NDA with things like this.


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