Help others and enter to win a prize

My home state of Colorado has been devastated by wildfires. My vacation this summer was semi-cancelled with a fire closing a local Boy Scout camp. We found another campsite for a few boys for a couple days, but the weeklong camp wasn’t available. There have been floods in the East as well that have killed power and ruined homes.

The Red Cross does a tremendous amount of good for people in these situations, but they depend on donations. Brandie Tarvin is trying to help the Red Cross with donations and started a small contest. If you donate to their relief fund, and send Brandie a screen shot, she’ll enter you in a drawing to win some donated prizes.

Take a moment and think about how lucky you are in your life. If you haven’t been through a disaster, think about what it would be like if you couldn’t go home tonight.

If you think it’s worth donating to help others, take a moment and donate to the Red Cross and then enter Brandie’s contest. Whether you win or not, I’d like to think it was worth it.

Brandie’s Contest

Red Cross Disaster Relief Online Donation Form

About way0utwest

Editor, SQLServerCentral
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